Homepage Products Network Security NPC-5118-FT


Domestic Network Security Application Platform

NPC-5118-FT is a standard 1U rack mount network security application product developed based on a Phytium D2000 processor, supporting domestic Linux systems such as Kylin. The product is mainly used in communication, enterprise, finance, education, medical treatment and other fields. NPC-5118-FT can replace the application scenarios of most non-domestic H110, C236 and other platforms and is positioned as a domestic middle-end platform to help enterprises with domestic replacement and upgrading and consolidate enterprise information and asset security. It can be widely used in the new-generation high-end application delivery and can be widely applied to information security protection such as firewalls, behavior management and audit, VPN, vulnerability scanning, and gatekeepers.

Product Features

Support rapid customization

Mainstream domestic OS

Abundant LAN ports

Multiple hard disk bays

Multiple memory slots

Domestic platform

Product Specifications

Item Description
系统配置 处理器 飞腾D2000/8C 主频2.3GHz
芯片组 X100
内存 双DDR4内存插槽,最大支持32GB
存储器 SATA 2个SATA 3.0接口,标配1个硬盘位(空闲1个SATA3.0接口)
MSATA/M.2 1个MSATA插槽(与SATA1资源复用),1个M.2 KEY M
IO接口 USB 2个USB3.0(前置接口),2个USB3.0插针(内置)
COM 1个Console口,2个串口Wafer座子(内置,RS-232模式)
显示接口 后置1个VGA口
网口 网卡芯片 Intel® i210+沐创N400L
网口类型 板载7个千兆网口+4千兆光口,其中1个电口为专用管理口
扩展总线 PCIE 板载2个PCI_E X8插槽,1个Mini_PCIe槽(板内,X1信号)
ENS 2个ENS网卡扩展槽位
搭配主板 NET-1601A11N1B系列
工作环境 温度:0℃~40℃
湿度:10%~ 90%(非凝状态)
储存环境 温度:-20℃-70℃
产品尺寸 440mm(W)×43.8mm(H)×500mm(D)
电源 250W ATX单电源(可选300W冗余电源)
操作系统 麒麟X86和麒麟软件等飞腾版系统,详情请查阅产品说明书

Ordering Information

料号 型号 描述
0010-199941 NPC-5118-FT01/16G/2T/1BP/250W single power supply 1U network rack-mounted complete PC/X100 chipset/D2000 2.3Ghz/1*16G memory/1*2T HDD/7*Gigabit electrical ports +4*Gigabit optical ports/1 group of bypass/2 × USB3.0/2*PCIE slots/2*ENS extension slots/1*VGA interface/1*Console port/2*USB ports/250W single power supply
0010-199951 NPC-5118-FT02/16G/2T/2BP/300W redundant power supply 1U network rack-mounted complete PC/X100 chipset/D2000 2.3Ghz/1*16G memory/1*2T HDD /7*Gigabit electrical ports +4*Gigabit optical ports/2 groups of bypass/2 × USB3.0/2*PCIE slots/2*ENS extension slots/1*VGA interface/1*Console port/2*USB ports/1*300W redundant power supply 0010-19996103/16G/2T/3BP/300W redundant power supply
0010-199961 NPC-5118-FT-03/16G/2T/300W冗余 1U network rack-mounted complete PC/X100 chipset/D2000 2.3Ghz/1*16G memory/1*2T HDD /7*Gigabit electrical ports +4*Gigabit optical ports/3 groups of bypass/2 × USB3.0/2*PCIE slots/2*ENS expansion slots/1*VGA port/1*Console port/2*USB ports/300W redundant power supply
0020-068081 NPC-5118-FT-04/D2000/2BP/2 expansion slots/250W single power supply barebone system 1U network rack mount barebone system/X100 chipset/D2000 2.3Ghz/no memory/no hard disk/7*Gigabit electrical ports +4*Gigabit optical ports/2 groups of bypass/2*PCIE slots/2*ENS expansion slots/1*VGA port/1*Console/2*USB ports/1*250W single power supply

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